Thursday, 7 November 2013

Ruma Rata and Ruma Pohutakawa visited Toitu Early's Settlers Museum and the Chinese Garden as part of our Inquiry Topic on Toys Games and Recreation

Monday, 27 May 2013

Gingerbread Creations

Which Gingerbread Person do you think was in the oven too long?  Which one wore a tinfoil coat? 

We began baking with Miss Wealleans in the morning.  Ms Switalla helped us ice them during Little Mussells.  It was a Gingerbread filled day.  Ms Switalla apologises for the last minute photo's but it was a very busy day and we couldn't wait to eat them. 

Butterfly life cycles

Look at how proud we are of our butterfly life cycles.  We know it keeps going around and around and never stops.  We were so lucky to have so many butterflies hatch this year.  It has made us very excited to watch, learn and release them.

Our Sunflower Creations

We have painted and revisited these lovely sunflowers.  We did a lot of careful looking and some over painting.  We hope you like them.
I  really like rolling the dice and putting the fish in the fish tank.  Every time I do it I get better at counting sets.

I am counting teen numbers on our hand patterns.  I put on the beans and then count forward and backwards.  I'm learning the last counter I put on is the number I have.

We are counting forward and backwards using our caterpillars.  We use the long pointers to count around the room.

I am trying to make groups of all the same number.  I can make patterns with the frogs I am using.  I can make six lots of different ways.

We roll the dice and put that number of fish on then count how many all together.  We are good at finding fish the same colour so we can see the groups easier.

I am counting four fish and four fish
Here we are with more maths learning for you to see.  We are getting really good at counting.  Please keep helping your child count forward and backwards.

 We had to work together to draw around each others shadows.  It was hard to draw around the shadows.

We learnt a lot about our shadow. 
We also noticed sometimes our shadow was in front or behind us. 
Sometimes it is long or short. 

Ask me why this might be...

Shady Spots
 Here we are looking for shady spots, places where our shadow is hidden or hides.  We know a lot of shady places around our school.

 Some shady places are more fun than others.  Some we didn't want to leave.  You may have noticed we are usually behind or under something. 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Easter Bunny Visits

We arrived at school and saw some footprints. While we were outside playing co-operative games. The Easter Bunny left some eggs for us to find.